Stress Relief with CBD Products from Blue Harvest™

With the public health crisis posed by the spread of COVID-19 foremost on people’s minds, this is a uniquely stressful time. The uncertainty and alarm caused by the coronavirus outbreak, and the historic disruption to public life associated with efforts to limit its spread, have ratcheted up stress and anxiety levels in unprecedented fashion. Stress […]

Stress Relief with CBD Products from Blue Harvest™

With the public health crisis posed by the spread of COVID-19 foremost on people’s minds, this is a uniquely stressful time. The uncertainty and alarm caused by the coronavirus outbreak, and the historic disruption to public life associated with efforts to limit its spread, have ratcheted up stress and anxiety levels in unprecedented fashion. Stress […]

Weight Loss Support During Quarantine

Here at Olivera Weight Loss, we’re committed to helping all of our patients achieve a holistic and lasting state of health using modern healthcare tools. To keep our commitment to our patients, we are providing telehealth options, an online workshop, and even online supplement shopping through FullScript. Our goal is to ensure that every patient […]

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