SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide)

Nuestro medicamento agonista del GLP-1 es un potente tratamiento para bajar de peso elegido por su eficacia que revoluciona tu camino hacia una pérdida de peso sostenible. En Olivera Weight Loss, nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer soluciones innovadoras para pacientes diversos. Nuestro SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) se destaca por su capacidad para ayudar a las personas obesas o con sobrepeso a perder el exceso de peso en nuestro programa inclusivo de control de peso.

Más acerca de nuestro SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide)

Nuestro SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) mejora la capacidad natural del cuerpo para regular el apetito, fomentando una relación más saludable con los alimentos. En Olivera, nos complace acercarte a sus objetivos de pérdida de peso con el máximo profesionalismo, sinceridad y la promesa de un futuro más brillante y saludable.

Combinar Semaglutide con nuestro servicio de Telehealth para mayor comodidad y accesibilidad incluye consultas telefónicas, educación y asesoramiento, así como acceso a planes de alimentación personalizados, brindando un enfoque integral y conveniente para tu bienestar. Sin embargo, es fundamental tener en cuenta los aspectos distintivos de nuestro SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) Telehealth. A diferencia de otras opciones, las inyecciones de B12 no están incluidas en el programa de Telehealth. Además, para los pacientes de SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide), el recoger medicamentos y los controles vitales periódicos requieren una visita en persona a nuestro consultorio. El momento de priorizar tu salud es ahora. Da el paso decisivo hacia beneficios transformativos con nuestro SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) y Olivera Weight Loss. ¡No te lo pierdas: comunícate con nosotros y empieza a mejorar!

Otros servicios

PHEN-Plan (Phentermine)

Si prefieres un método de pérdida de peso probado y certero, entonces PHEN-Plan (Phentermine) puede ser el camino correcto para ti.


De acuerdo con nuestro enfoque holístico de la salud, también podemos ayudarte a mejorar tu proceso de pérdida de peso con nuestras inyecciones de refuerzo cuidadosamente elaboradas, cada una diseñada para mejorar el camino hacia tu bienestar.


Nuestros pacientes actuales ahora pueden recibir atención conveniente y personalizada con el servicio de Telehealth de Olivera.

SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide)

Our GLP-1 agonist medication, is a powerful weight loss treatment chosen for its effectiveness that revolutionizes your journey toward sustainable weight loss. At Olivera Weight Loss, we pride ourselves on offering innovative solutions for diverse patients. Our SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) stands out for its ability to help obese or overweight individuals shed excess weight in our inclusive weight management program.

More about our SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide)

Our SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) enhances your body’s natural ability to regulate appetite, fostering a healthier relationship with food. At Olivera, we’re excited to bring you closer to your weight loss goals with the utmost professionalism, sincerity, and the promise of a brighter, healthier future.

Combining Semaglutide with our Telehealth service for convenient and accessibility includes telephone consultations, education, and counseling, as well as access to personalized meal plans, providing a comprehensive and convenient approach to your well-being. However, it is essential to note the distinctive aspects of our SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) Telehealth. Unlike other options, B12 injections are not included in the Telehealth program. Additionally, for SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) patients, medication pickup and periodic vital checks do require an in-person visit to our office.

The time to prioritize your health is now. Take the decisive step towards transformative benefits with our SEMA-Plan (Semaglutide) and Olivera Weight Loss. Don’t miss out – Reach out to us and get started on a better you!

Other Services

PHEN-Plan (Phentermine)

If you prefer a tried-and-true weight loss approach, then maybe our PHEN-Plan (Phentermine) might be the right path for you.


In keeping with our holistic approach to health, we can also help elevate your weight loss journey with our thoughtfully crafted booster shots, each designed to enhance your wellness journey.


Our existing patients can now experience convenient and personalized care with Olivera’s Telehealth service. 

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Who doesn’t want to fit into that little black dress of your dreams? And, for those guys who can’t wait to fit into that cool suit you like, here comes a new, sustainable way for you to get slim for good. It’s called Semaglutide and it is FDA approved medication that is working already on up to 5 out of 7 patients* today.

Semaglutide is a newly approved weight loss medication that supports cases where traditional weight loss methods do not produce the desired results. It tricks the brain into believing that you are fuller than you actually are, thus regulating your appetite and food intake. By acting like a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), Semaglutide lowers your appetite and how much food you eat to help manage your weight.

Studies show Semaglutide has helped 66-84% of people to lose weight, making it a highly effective weight-loss drug. And for those who keep taking it, it is the best way to keep the weight off for good.

Use it in your weight management routine along with a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is the first injected weight-loss drug with a high success rate dosed once a week.

Semaglutide is a great alternative if you do not qualify for Phentermine, and it is very effective for men and women with a high body mass index who cannot lose weight through diet and exercise only. It is cost-effective and a portion may be covered by insurance if you qualify.

Your time has come to make Semaglutide essential to your slimming regimen. Very soon, your little black dress will fit you like a glove!

ACT NOW to start your weight loss journey.

Your Body. Your Temple. Powered by You.

*Results are from a 68-week medical study of adults with obesity (BMI ≥30) and adults with excess weight (BMI ≥27) who also had weight-related medical problems including high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 83% of adults lost 5% or more weight, compared to 31% taking placebo.


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