Non-Scale Victories: Why They matter and How To Set, Track, and Celebrate Them!

Non-Scale Victories: Why They matter and How To Set, Track, and Celebrate Them!

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Medical Weight Loss is hard. There is no quick fix or miracle cure. It requires a lot of hard work that requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to make some lifestyle changes. The good news is that it is possible to lose weight and keep it off. And even though it seems hard, with the right approach and care, it’s much easier than you think. Sounds too good to be true right? But one of the most important things to remember when you are trying to lose weight is that the scale is not the only measure of success. In fact, there are a lot of “non-scale victories” (NSVs) that are just as important, if not more so. In short, NSV’s are small victories that are not necessarily reflected on the scale but should be counted as victories nonetheless. These victories can be things like eating more nutrient-rich foods, drinking more water, sleeping better, having more energy, or fitting into a smaller size. After all, there are so many reasons we try to lose weight, it’s only fair we get to celebrate all of the benefits.

What are non-scale victories?

Non-scale victories are successes that are not directly related to the number we see on the scale. Basically, they are any milestones achieved that we feel, but don’t measure. They can be related to diet, exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, or even the emotions you are feeling. For example, if you gradually switch from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one and suddenly you are doing 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, that is a win. If you switch to a whole food or more fiber focused diet, that is also a win. These small victories are just as important, if not more important, than the number on the scale. They are evidence that you are making positive changes and that you are taking safe steps towards taking better care of yourself and reaching your weight loss goals.

Why do non-scale victories matter?

Pounds on a scale are just one measure of success. It’s easy to become fixated on the number on the scale and believe that it is the only thing to mark our progress. However, this is not the case. Not only can the number on the scale fluctuate due to a number of factors (such as hydration and food intake), but it’s important to remember that safe weight loss goes beyond weighing ourselves. These victories can also be more accurate indicators of progress than the scale. For example, if you are eating a more nutrient-rich diet and exercising regularly and taking better care of yourself, it is likely that you will be reducing body fat and increasing lean muscle mass regardless of what the scale shows. This can help to highlight the progress you are making because no scale in the world is going to be as satisfying or give you as much hope as what you see in the mirror.

How can you set non-scale victory goals?

In order to achieve non-scale victories, you need to set goals. The goals should be realistic, measurable, and achievable. Start by thinking about what would make you proud and what would be considered a “victory”. Your goals should reflect your overall weight loss goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, then set a goal to walk 30 minutes a day, or to drink 3 or 4 more cups of water a day, or to eat a few more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Write your goals down and review them regularly. This will help to keep you motivated and on track. This also makes it safe, as you know you won’t be overdoing it. If you need the extra help (we all do) you can ask a friend or family member to help you stay on track! Teamwork!

How can you track your non-scale victory progress?

You can track your progress by keeping notes of your activity. You can use online programs or apps to help track your progress, or you can use a simple notebook or spreadsheet. Some examples of metrics you can track include: miles walked, steps taken, calories burned, water intake, servings of fruits and vegetables eaten, weigh-ins, and sleep duration. These are all simple enough, but like the mirror, when you see it written down, it provides a sense of stability and accountability. In time, you’ll notice that you are making steady progress, whether it’s because you are taking more steps, or don’t consider it a chore to eat healthier foods. Ongoing success is the best way to build better habits!

How can you celebrate your non-scale victories?

Once you have achieved a goal, it’s important to take a minute to acknowledge and celebrate yourself! Celebrate in a way that honors your hard work and dedication—not in a way that undermines your progress. For example, if you have walked for 30 minutes a day for a week, acknowledge that hard work with a small but special reward. Maybe you buy yourself a new pair of shoes or go out for dinner. Find something that will make you feel proud and acknowledge the hard work you have done. You can also set aside some time to reflect on the progress you have made and all of the wins you’ve racked up along the way. Writing in a journal or taking a few moments to sit in gratitude, can be meaningful ways to recognize and honor your progress.

Medical Science Can Bridge The Gap Between Personal Goals and The Scale

Non-scale victories are important indicators of progress in any weight loss journey. Even if it isn’t always showing up on the scale, they are every bit as important. They keep us motivated and on track while we work on ourselves. Being mindful and dedicated to your NSV’s can help you stay focused and motivated as you strive for your ultimate weight loss goals. But there is no reason to do it alone. At Olivera Weight Loss, we understand that weight loss can be a difficult and challenging process. However, with the right mindset and a few simple strategies, you can safely and easily achieve your health and weight loss goals.  Even after more than 40 years of serving our community, our team is still passionate about helping our patients live the healthier lifestyle they dream of and remain dedicated to providing you with the care, hope, and support you need to succeed. When you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you, we’re ready and waiting to help and give you the care you need to reach your goals.


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