A Personalized Weight Loss Plan

A Personalized Weight Loss Plan

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We have all read or heard the phrase “One Size Fits All!”, but we also know it’s not exactly true. Sure, it might fit, but it won’t fit everyone the same way. That’s because everybody is different, and when it comes to weight loss, that statement is also true. Every body is different. You know the feeling. A friend or loved one begins a new diet or fitness program, and it works well for them, but then you try it. And while it works a little bit, you don’t enjoy the same success. It is a frustrating and quite frankly, discouraging feeling to experience. But that’s not your fault! There are several factors that can affect your weight loss journey, and it is important to identify these correctly in order to maximize your progress along the path to minimizing your weight to a healthy and manageable state. We’ll explore some of these factors, so that you can be better informed in your efforts.

First, The “One Size Fits All” Weight Loss Formula

It is widely accepted in the medical field that 1 pound takes about burned 3,500 calories to lose. Which means that by cutting 500 calories a day, you should lose 1 pound of fat in a week. But like we said earlier, every body is different, and it’s important to acknowledge this because certain functions of our bodies like our metabolism, as well as our body composition, and even how our brains perceive food and drink can make the math fuzzy. And that’s not even considering genetic differences, height, and stress.

Metabolic Rate

Our metabolic rate is the energy our bodies burn while we’re resting. Most of this comes from our organs functioning, but the rest of it is largely burned on maintaining lean muscle. While we’re resting fat burns very few calories, so the lower our lean muscle tissue, the slower our metabolism is. Older adults tend to have less lean muscle, and men tend to have more lean tissue.

Dietary Habits

Because of our different metabolic rates, heights, and other differences, it can be complicated to plan our diets to our needs. Many people who start diets are successful at first, but then lose discipline because they overdid it. While a calorie deficit is crucial to healthy weight loss, overdoing it is not only counterproductive, as it lowers lean muscle mass and slows your metabolism, it is also dangerous. Your body needs food to create energy. A well-planned diet, with room for healthy snacks (ideally high in fiber and protein) is extremely important in our efforts to lose weight. Not only that, but by planning our diets, and including snacks between meals, it makes it significantly easier to stay the course. Remember, the goal is not only to lose the weight overnight, but do it gradually and safely so that we can keep it off. Once we reach our goal, even though it may have been slower, the habits we built along the way are much easier to stick to.

Comparing Our Successes to Others

This is one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. We see our peers succeeding, and we wonder why we aren’t succeeding as well. This frustration leads us to either be even more restrictive, which is dangerous, or to give up altogether, which does nothing for us. Slow, steady, and safe wins the race, not to mention that it is easier to stay the course when we focus on our own goals. A properly planned medical weight loss regimen pays dividends in the long run, and the results will eventually speak for themselves, which leads us to…

The Paper Towel Effect

It sounds odd, but this is a useful way to visualize your weight loss, and to not compare your progress to that of those around you. Think of a full roll of paper towels. At first, it is large, with every single towel still on the roll. Even though you remove a sheet or two, it still looks roughly the same size, because it is a small sheet being removed from a large area. As you take off more sheets, the roll shrinks, until it reaches a point that every time you remove a sheet, the roll looks noticeably smaller. It’s easy to see the success of others and think about how you see the difference in them. But you see yourself every day, and not seeing the results can be discouraging. Don’t fall for that trap! Keep up the good work, and in time, you will begin to notice the same changes in yourself! Following a plan that works for you is essential.

Medical Professionals Can Help Significantly

Like we mentioned before, even though the formula may be a little “one size fits all”, you are not “all”. You are you. The best way to find out what weight loss program works for you is to get help from experts in the field. A professional can help you create a personalized plan that takes into account your unique needs and goals. They can also provide you with the support and guidance you need to stay on track, and make safe, healthy lifestyle changes. At Olivera Weight Loss, this has been our mission for over 40 years. We have a team of experts that are here to help and guide you every step of the way. Taking care of your heart health is essential, and it’s easier than you think. Our team is still passionate about helping our patients live the healthier lifestyle they dream of and remain dedicated to providing you with the care, hope, and support you need to succeed. We are always striving to help our patients, and with that in mind, we always stay up to date on the newest and safest approaches. For example, Olivera is now proudly offering Semaglutide for qualified patients. And because we want to make this journey as easy as possible, we can treat you even when you aren’t here, with our telehealth service! When you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you, contact us to schedule a consultation.


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