All Olivera Locations are Temporarily Closed Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

All Olivera Locations are Temporarily Closed Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic

In accordance with the recently announced Illinois coronavirus response guidelines, the offices of Olivera Weight Loss will be temporarily closed until further notice. We hope to reopen our doors soon, but in the meantime we would love to continue to serve you through our non-office services. We believe in supporting our patients not just in person, but online and over the phone as well, and we are here for you during this difficult time.

We are ready to help you stay stocked up on your Natural Weight Loss Supplements or other Vitamins + Supplements via FullScript. Fullscript is a convenient Online Supplement Dispensary where our active patients can order professional-grade, high-quality vitamins, minerals, botanicals and more, to be shipped directly to your home.

(Please Note: FullScript does NOT dispense prescription pharmaceuticals. Prescriptions for Phentermine can not be filled via FullScript.)

Olivera Weight Loss has been proud to support our local community for the last 40 years. We take your health seriously, and we hope you will, too. Please follow official state health guidelines during this emergency, and support your neighbors to the best of your ability. We will be doing the same in our own neighborhoods, and we look forward to serving you again soon. If you have questions regarding your current prescriptions or scheduled appointments, you may call and leave a message at (773) 327-6624, or send an email to [email protected]

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Send us a Document / Message

If we requested that you to send us a document (such as lab results) or if you have a private message to convey, please use the HIPAA-compliant form below to send it to our office safely and securely. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.