Eat MORE to Lose MORE!

Eat MORE to Lose MORE!

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While it is about both what you eat AND how much you eat, you can lose weight while eating more.  You just need to know how.

The more you adjust what you eat, the more volume you can eat and still lose weight.  Avoid calorie dense foods, or foods high in calories in a small volume, and eat more calorie poor foods, or foods very low in calories.  When you do this, you can decrease the calories you eat, while increasing the volume.

Calorie dense foods include candy, chips, cakes, many baked goods, fried foods, high fat foods, butter, oils, high fat meats, soda, juice, cream sauces, pasta, etc.

Calorie poor foods include nonstarchy vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, very lean meats, etc.


For example, a classic burger and fries with one beer at your local restaurant easily contains over 1500 calories!  Many programs would tell you never to eat a burger or to just eat half of the meal.  Instead, you can make some changes, get to eat more and still lose weight!









If you want to eat a burger, feel satisfied and still lose weight, try this instead!  Grill a 90/10 lean burger (beef or turkey), serve on a low-calorie whole grain bun with one slice of mozzarella cheese.  Serve with a large salad with a variety of chopped, nonstarchy vegetables with a vinaigrette style dressing, some grilled zucchini and a light beer.  You will eat a much larger portion of food but you consumed LESS THAN HALF the calories!  You could even enjoy a second beer and still have consumed less than half the calories!

If you need help transforming your meals to be lower in calories and higher in volume, consider a Nutrition Consultation with our registered dietitian. She will guide you in how to apply the high volume, low calorie style pattern of eating to your daily life, so you can lose weight and still enjoy lots of food.
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If you are trying to lose weight, please consider visiting us at Olivera Weight Loss.

We use research-proven strategies, approaches and tools to help our patients achieve successful weight loss.  We offer a variety of services to meet your needs.  In our remote Nutrition Consultations, our registered dietitian develops a plan customized to meet your needs without you ever having to leave your home.  Phentermine, an FDA approved appetite suppressant proven to help patients lose weight, is available at Olivera Weight Loss for patients who qualify.   For more information on pricing and our other services, please visit our webpage or give us a call at 773-327-6624.  Follow us on Facebook for free weight loss tips, recipes and more.

*Please note, appointments are required for new patients and strongly encouraged for returning patients to minimize wait times.*[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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