Helpful Tips to Flourish in the Fall

Helpful Tips to Flourish in the Fall

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Helpful Tips to Flourish in the Fall

Fall is arguably the most eagerly anticipated season of the year. Summer was fun, but hot, and at times exhausting. But the temperature is dropping a bit, the leaves are changing, and all the Fall foods start coming out. There is a reason this is the season most commonly associated with the phrase “sweater weather.” We can’t help ourselves, everything about the season just screams out comfort. But unfortunately, there are always hidden complications, or pitfalls that trip up our efforts at leading a healthier lifestyle. Now obviously, we aren’t saying that we aren’t going to partake in any of the things that make Fall so special, that would be cruel. But given the fact that everywhere looks cozy, and everything smells like cinnamon, we thought it would be good to set up some helpful guidelines to make sure we can have the best of both worlds, enjoying all the delights of fall and still building and keeping healthy habits with food.

Hydrate with Fall Flavored Water

Unexpected first tip, right? This almost sounds like it was meant for Summer, maybe Spring, doesn’t it? That thinking is exactly why we decided to open with this. Without the sun and heat to urge us, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water. In fact, dry skin and chapped lips can also signify dehydration. Granted, we all know dry skin and chapped lips can also come from awful weather, so in order to get incentivized, make a fall flavored infused water! Slice an apple, a pear, a plum, discard the seeds, and put them in a pitcher or jar along with a cinnamon stick. Let it rest in the fridge for a while, and then enjoy. It’s easier to stay hydrated when even the water tastes like fall!

Halloween on the 31st

Everyone knows that Halloween is October 31st. But when we’re face with a bag, or pumpkin-shaped basket, or even a pillowcase full of candy, it’s just too much to assume that Halloween only comes once. We get it, nobody wants to be a spoilsport, and we do have to be good neighbors and give out candy to kids. So, make a tough but fair compromise with yourself. Save yourself a piece or two of your favorite candy and leave the rest by the front door. Put it in an opaque container so you can’t see it. Give the rest of it to the last trick or treater of the night, or donate it, but make sure it’s gone by November 1st!

Fill up On Fall!

We mentioned this earlier, and it still rings true. Fall has a whole smorgasbord of delicious produce. It’s also a great time for whole grains and oats. These are a great way to provide our bodies with both energy and fiber, and the colder weather is a great time to enjoy certain fall staples. Or try spaghetti squash! Cut it in half to reveal a pocket of seeds; scoop those out and pop the two halves into the microwave or oven and cook until tender. Scrape a fork into the flesh and spaghetti-like strands appear!

Don’t Just Spectate. Participate!

Fall is a big season for sports. Professional and college football are played and televised Thursday through Monday, professional basketball begins, and baseball is in the playoffs. Every single one of these is an occasion, or sometimes even an excuse to stay indoors, go to a sports bar, and watch the games with friends. This is fine every now and then, we all love to unwind, and being social is important in maintain our mental health. But it is also important for us to be cognizant of the fact that come winter, time spent outside is going to be scarce. Try doing something active, once or twice a week, whether it be a brisk walk, or a kickball league for grownups (super fun!)

Be Kind to Yourself

For all the efforts we make at following our self-improvement plans to the letter, it’s easy for us to be hard on ourselves and be our own harshest critics. This problem can be exacerbated in the Fall and Winter months as we spend less time outdoors and get less sunlight. Even though we should stay focused on our goals, sometimes we slip up. That’s ok. Nobody is perfect, and building better habits, especially when it comes to our own health, is a difficult task for anyone. When we inevitably slip up, it’s natural to react negatively, but that doesn’t mean we have to take it out on ourselves. By learning to forgive ourselves and accepting what happened but moving on with renewed focus and desire, we slowly but surely walk down the path that leads to wellness.

You Don’t Have to Do It Alone

In effect, weight loss, nutrition, and wellness, falls under the category of medical science. By seeking the help of trained professionals, you not only have better resources to succeed, but the support structure you need to build better habits. The professionals at Olivera Weight Loss have over 40 years of experience in helping people reduce their weight to a healthy BMI, in a clinically proven and medically safe way, and with the means to help their patients keep it off. Patients who qualify for medical weight loss treatment with Olivera receive Phentermine, an FDA approved, clinically proven appetite suppressant, which is an excellent way to jumpstart better habits with proper portions. Keeping in mind that environment can affect your weight loss journey as much as the shift into more comforting fall foods, having access to Meal Plans can help keep a balanced and nutritious, and delicious diet for the Fall. With our established patients having the option to continue their care with our Telehealth service, receiving the support, encouragement, and continuing education they need, we make it easier than ever to follow your plan!


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