New Secret Weight-Loss Weapon: Meet Cassandra

New Secret Weight-Loss Weapon: Meet Cassandra


Cassandra TownsWe are pleased to announce that Cassandra Towns, a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, has joined our team and is now offering individualized nutrition consultations.

Cassandra has advanced education, training and experience in nutrition, specializing in weight-loss and Type 2 diabetes. Her passion is in helping people overcome barriers for effective, sustained weight-loss. She looks forward to working with you to provide individualized, research-based information, guidance and support.

Cassandra approaches each person as an individual, meeting them where they are in their weight-loss journey. Whether you are feeling ready to take some baby steps, or to dive in head first, she can help.

We will be offering a special introductory rate, so there’s no better time than NOW! Initial consultations are 60 minutes and cost only $95. Follow-up consultations last 30 minutes and cost only $50. Starting in June, We will be offering an 8-week Group Weight-Loss Program designed to provide you with the tools, skills and support for successful, long-term weight loss.

For more details, please send us a message or call our office at 773-327-6624.


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