Quality of Life From a Healthier Lifestyle And Weight Loss

Quality of Life From a Healthier Lifestyle And Weight Loss

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Generally speaking, when people talk about leading a healthier lifestyle, we tend to assume they are talking about weight loss, almost exclusively. However, it’s important to note that leading a healthier life means taking care of all aspects of our health, not simply our weight. But as it turns out, weight loss is one of the benefits that comes from a strong commitment to health. We can achieve this great new life in several different ways, such as committing to improving our mental health or striving to live a less sedentary life. So today we are going to go over some simple ways to improve our quality of life and explore how some of these can help us lose weight in a safe and healthy way, as well as some of the long-term benefits.

Stretch Out

For whatever reason, most of us only ever stretch when we’ve been still for a long period of time. The classic morning stretch when we yawn our way out of bed, every hour or so after sitting at a desk, during an epic TV binge, or even after a particularly filling meal. But regular stretching exercises such as yoga can have a profound impact on our health both in the short and long term. Aside from granting us improved flexibility, it has been proven to help with reducing weight, keeping a balanced metabolism, increased muscle strength and tone, as well as better circulatory health and overall energy. These are all true for short and long term, but let’s thing really long term for a minute. As we age, aside from losing muscle tissue (if we don’t keep up the good work) we also lose range of motion. A body at rest stays at rest and losing our range of motion and mobility can lead to all sorts of complications arising from a sedentary lifestyle. By ensuring that we take time to stretch, not only will we feel better today and tomorrow, but we can ensure that as we start entering our golden years, we still have the quality of life that can quickly deteriorate otherwise.

Let the Sun Shine In!

If ever there was an easy way to make small improvements to our overall health, this one is it. For one, natural sunlight is one of the easiest and most effective ways for our bodies to produce Vitamin D. This is important as we age, because Vitamin D is vital in keeping our bones strong and staving off conditions such as osteoporosis. But beyond that, sunlight plays a key role in our production of melatonin, which is the hormone that is crucial in helping us get quality sleep. As we’ve said countless times before, sleep is essential for weight loss. Additionally, it has been proven to help with symptoms of depression as well as strengthening our immune system! So be sure to get 10 to 30 minutes of direct sunlight a few times a week, after applying sunscreen of course.

Do Upkeep the Muscles

We’ve stressed the importance of weight or resistance training as it pertains to weight loss, but just ss a refresher. Building and maintaining lean muscle mass is crucial for our weight and body composition because higher muscle mass means a higher metabolism. But in keeping with our theme regarding quality of life, it is important to note that as we age, we lose muscle mass. Specifically, for every decade after we turn 30, we lose between 3 to 8 percent of our muscle mass unless we strive to keep it on. This number climbs higher after 60. Just as flexibility is important for our range of motion as we age, having the physical strength to create this motion is just as critical. Whether you prefer free weights or resistance bands, the options are varied as well as easy to do, even from home!

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

This phrase was spoken by Benjamin Franklin (bonus history fun fact!), but it applies to every single facet of our lives, and never truer than in regard to our wellbeing. The simple fact is that it is easier to prevent a problem than it is to repair the damage. When it comes to our physical wellbeing for example, it’s easier to become flexible than to deal with the fallout of a pulled or torn muscle. It is also easier to make sure we have a healthy circulatory system than to have to fix is after a medical scare. Taking the steps to prevent these problems from arising is critical to making sure we can save ourselves time, stress, and yes, even money in the future.

Why Are These So Important?

As we’ve expressed here, maintaining quality of life is crucial. We’ve gone over the how, but let’s delve deeper into the why. In short, we all want to get the most out of our lives. But to be more specific, even though we are always faced with obstacles, even inevitable ones such as aging, there is no reason for us to give up on doing the things we love. Whether you love to play sports like tennis or golf, or like to go out dancing with friends, life is just better when we can participate more fully, and with greater ease. Being healthy is a big part of that, not only because it ensures that we are physically capable, but we become more emotionally capable as well. It’s no fun trying to do something and constantly worrying about whether or not we can do it. Having our health to back us up makes it easier to relax, destress, and get the most out of life.

Help from Medical Professionals Goes a Long Way

When all is said and done, a healthy lifestyle falls under the category of medical science. By seeking the help of trained professionals, you not only have better resources to succeed, but the support structure you need to continue building better habits. Sustaining these habits during your weight loss journey, and maintaining them beyond, is essential to help keep your momentum! The professionals at Olivera Weight Loss have over 40 years of experience in helping people reduce their weight to a healthy BMI, in a clinically proven and medically safe way, and with the means to help their patients keep it off.


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