Small But Mighty: How Little Changes Go A Long Way

Small But Mighty: How Little Changes Go A Long Way

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When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight and improving our overall health, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of diet and exercise plans out there. In fact, sometimes it feels like all of these options make it hard to even get started because we get stuck deciding on which approach will work best for us. We wonder which of these will be easy to follow, or how many of them are safe. As a result, we often end up not deciding on any of them. We call this “Analysis Paralysis.” But thankfully, sometimes the easiest solution is also the right one. The truth is, making small changes to our food and lifestyle choices can have a big impact not only on our health and weight, but can help us improve our overall quality of life. When you really think about it, any healthy weight loss journey begins with easy acts of self-care.

Fruits, Veggies, and Whole Grains

This one is usually at the front of our minds, if only because we hear it so often. But this is some advice that should be taken to heart. One of the easiest and most crucial ways to make a positive change is to focus on adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to our diet. These types of foods are packed with nutrients and fiber, which can help keep us feeling full and satisfied, but thankfully without feeling bloated. In addition, they are generally low in calories, which can be beneficial if we are trying to lose weight. Because they generally are low if not lacking in added sugar, they are safe for pretty much any dietary plan, allergies notwithstanding. But because Mother Nature is not cruel, many of these are also packed with flavor! Not only do these foods improve our physical health, but they can also boost our energy levels, improve our mood, and help us feel more productive throughout the day. So ditch the sugary snacks and let nature’s bounty take care of those hunger pangs!

Not Too Much, Not Too Little. Just Right

If we have said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times. A crucial aspect of healthy eating is portion control. It’s easy to overindulge, especially when we are eating out or snacking on processed foods. By paying attention to portion sizes, we can make sure we are getting the right amount of nutrients without consuming too many calories. Everyone has struggled with this at some point or another, but it is vital that we be mindful of our portions. This can not only help us maintain a healthy weight, but it can also save us money by reducing the amount of food we waste. Moreover, doing this consistently will help us easily adjust to all of our new lifestyle changes.

Get Physical (Physical)

Incorporating more physical activity into our daily routine is also critical for maintaining a healthy weight and improving our overall well-being. This doesn’t necessarily mean hitting the gym every day; even easy tasks like taking a walk or doing some stretching can make a difference. Regular exercise, in safe amounts, can not only help us maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help improve our mental health, reduce stress, and increase our overall sense of happiness and well-being. It also helps us sleep better because physical activity raises our core temperature. After about an hour, give or take, our core temperature begins to decrease, and that drop in our internal temperature helps trigger sleep. We all love it, and to nobody’s surprise, it is crucial to a healthy lifestyle (more on that later!)

Plenty of H2O

It is so important to take care of ourselves by staying hydrated. We all know this, but oftentimes we don’t really thing about it. Part of it is because we have so many other options available, that we simply ignore water as the best and safest option. Water is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, as it helps to flush toxins out of our body and keeps us feeling full and satisfied. It also functions as a lubricant for our joints. Adequate hydration can also improve our skin health, cognitive function, and physical performance. So, just to be as clear as the water we should be drinking more of: It helps us think better, feel fuller, have lovely skin, and keeps us going when we’re working out? Yes please!

Sweet Dreams!

We touched on this point briefly earlier. Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. That point should be pretty obvious, because who isn’t cranky and sluggish when they don’t get enough sleep? But beyond the immediate effects, it can help boost our immune system, improve our memory and concentration, and even lower our risk of developing certain chronic diseases. Sleep as a means of self-care, does it get any easier?

Help And Care is Available

Making small changes to our food choices and lifestyle can seem intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many resources available to help us make these changes in a safe and easy way. Whether it’s seeking the guidance of a healthcare professional or joining a support group, there is hope and help available to you. At Olivera Weight Loss, we care about helping our clients make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle in order to improve their health and reach their weight loss goals. We understand that making these changes can be challenging, but with the right support and guidance, it is possible to make a big impact on our health, weight, and overall lifestyle. So, let’s make small changes that can lead to big results!


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