Take Your Healthy Habits With You

Take Your Healthy Habits With You

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By now, we all know that eating healthy is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it can be challenging when you’re constantly on the go. Whether you’re traveling, commuting, dining out, or attending events (look at you, all fancy!), it’s easy to fall off the healthy eating wagon. However, with a little bit of planning and some smart choices, you can stay on track and make healthy choices while on the go. So, how can you accomplish this? Easy! Follow some of these tried and tested tips and keep at it!

While Traveling or Commuting

Traveling or commuting can often lead to unhealthy eating habits, but with a little bit of planning, you can make sure you have healthy options on hand. Before you leave, pack some healthy snacks such as nuts, dried fruit, or fresh fruit. You can also pack a small cooler with cut-up vegetables, hummus, and whole-grain crackers. If you’re flying, be sure to bring an empty water bottle that you can fill up after security to stay hydrated. When stopping at a rest stop or gas station, avoid the temptation of fast food and choose healthier options such as a grilled chicken sandwich, salad, or a veggie wrap. Most fast-food chains now offer healthier options, but it’s essential to read the nutritional information before making your choice.

Dining Out

Dining out can be a challenge when it comes to healthy eating, but there are ways to make smarter choices. Start by looking for restaurants that offer healthy options on their menu, such as grilled fish or chicken, salads, or vegetarian dishes. You can also ask the waiter to make modifications to your order, such as replacing French fries with a side salad or asking for dressing on the side. To be fair, many restaurants already ask for a side preference anyway, so stick with the healthier one (hint: it doesn’t include “fried” in the name). It’s also essential to practice portion control when dining out. Many restaurants serve large portions, so consider splitting a meal with a friend or taking half of your meal home for later, you don’t need to eat it all at once. Another tip is to skip the bread basket and opt for a healthy appetizer or soup to start.

Parties and Events

Parties and events can be a challenge when it comes to healthy eating, but with a little bit of planning, you can make smart choices. Before heading out, have a healthy snack such as an apple or a handful of nuts to curb your appetite. When you arrive, take a look at all the food options before filling your plate. Choose healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources. It’s also essential to practice portion control, so take smaller portions of high-calorie items such as desserts or fried foods. Another tip is to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks. Helpful hint; Most parties have little plates available. With that in mind, make sure you use one! In other words, get your plate, fill it with healthy options, and walk away. Hovering near the food is a recipe for disaster!

Snacking on the Go

Snacking on the go is a common pitfall that can quickly derail your healthy eating goals. However, it’s possible to make healthy choices when snacking on the go. Start by keeping healthy snacks on hand, such as trail mix, rice cakes, or fresh fruit. You can also look for pre-packaged snacks that are low in calories and high in nutrients, such as protein bars or fruit and nut bars. Like we said with the fast food options above, it’s essential to read the nutrition labels to understand what you’re eating. Choose snacks that are high in fiber and protein, as these nutrients will keep you feeling full for longer. Another tip is to portion out your snacks ahead of time, so you’re not tempted to eat the whole bag.

Eating on a Budget

Eating healthy on a budget can be a challenge, but it’s possible with some smart choices. Start by shopping for whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which are often cheaper than processed foods. You can also buy in bulk and freeze meals to save money. When dining out on a budget, look for restaurants that offer healthy options at a lower price point, such as salad bars or sandwich shops. Another tip is to cook at home and bring your meals to work or on the go. This will not only save you money, but it will also ensure that you’re eating healthy, nutritious meals.

Managing Food Allergies

If you have food allergies, eating on the go can be a challenge, but it’s possible to manage them with some careful planning. Start by researching restaurants that cater to your specific allergy. You can also call ahead and speak to the chef or manager to ensure that your meal is safe. When dining out, be sure to inform your server about your allergy and ask them to double-check with the kitchen.

Consult With The Pros

Staying healthy while on the go is possible with a little bit of planning and some smart choices. Whether you’re traveling, dining out, or attending events, there are always healthy options available. Remember to practice portion control, choose healthier options, and stay hydrated. By taking care of yourself, you can stay safe and healthy while on the go. Eating healthy may not always be easy, but with a little bit of help and some careful planning, it is certainly achievable. Seeking the help of weight loss professionals and nutritionists can greatly improve your chances of success in improving your health. A professional can help you create a personalized plan that takes into account your unique needs and goals. They can also provide you with the support and guidance you need to stay on track, and make safe, healthy lifestyle changes. At Olivera Weight Loss, this has been our mission for over 40 years. We have a team of experts that are here to help and guide you every step of the way. Taking care of your heart health is essential, and it’s easier than you think. Our team is still passionate about helping our patients live the healthier lifestyle they dream of and remain dedicated to providing you with the care, hope, and support you need to succeed. When you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you, contact us to schedule a consultation.


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