The Right Way Is Better Than The Trendy Way

The Right Way Is Better Than The Trendy Way

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It seems like every year a new diet or fitness plan becomes available. And then when influencers begin touting it on social media, these fads take on a life of their own. However, it is important to note that these trends keep popping up and changing because given enough time, it’s clear that they simply don’t work. That isn’t to say people don’t see results at first, but those are the kinds of results that don’t last, because they aren’t sustainable. Ultimately, the only path to a healthier life is by making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle change. At Olivera Weight Loss, we care deeply about helping our patients achieve their health and fitness goals in a safe and sustainable way. We understand that losing weight and getting in shape can be challenging and it’s easy to get tempted by the latest fad diets and exercise regimens that promise quick and easy results, but as we stated, these types of approaches often fail to deliver the promised results and can even be dangerous. So today, we want to help you by sharing some information regarding these trends, so that when you are ready to make the necessary changes, you can do it in a safe way.

The Science Doesn’t Back Them

One of the biggest risks of fad diets is that they are often not based on sound scientific evidence and make unrealistic claims that ask you to eliminate entire food groups or follow extremely restrictive meal plans. Not only can this be difficult to stick to, but it can also lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. Additionally, many fad diets promise quick results, but the weight loss is often not sustainable in the long term. These plans don’t plan for human nature, they expect perfection. And a nutrient deficiency is anything but perfect. And what’s worse, they prey on our hopes. Anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle does so with the hope of improving themselves. The right kind of help can make it safe and easy. The wrong kind makes it harmful.

They Focus On One Aspect, Not Overall Health

Another risk of fad exercise regimes is that they often focus on a single type of exercise or muscle group, neglecting the importance of overall fitness and balance. Additionally, some of these regimes may push you to exercise at a level that is not appropriate for your fitness level, increasing the risk of injury. It is widely accepted that an approach which is based on a combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and behavior change is far more beneficial. Keeping this in mind, it is better to seek help in order to make small, manageable changes to your lifestyle, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or finding ways to add more physical activity into your day. It is also worth finding ongoing support and guidance to help stay on track and achieve your goals. That last point is especially important because…

“Health” Trends Don’t Offer Support

It’s important to note that fad diets and exercise regimens often lack proper guidance and support, which can make it difficult for those who seek to change their lifestyles to succeed. As such, these plans fail to understand that everyone is unique and that one-size-fits-all approaches do not work. Working with a sustainable framework and having a support system that knows you are an individual with your own needs makes it much more likely you will succeed. Doing it the right way makes it safe and easy to get the care you need. After all, even if you do almost all of the work on your own, self-care is the main ingredient to a healthier life.

Fad Programs are all about Nickels and Dimes

Another concern with fad diets and exercise regimes is that they can be expensive. Many of these plans require expensive supplements, meal replacement shakes, or special equipment. While some may be fortunate enough to afford these, this is still not an example of money well spent. Yes, it is important to invest in your health, but any plan that charges exorbitant rates and claims that theirs is the only path forward should be regarded with suspicion. An affordable and sustainable path is not only safer, but helps build sustainable habits in the long run.

Fads Are Exclusively a Numbers Game. Healthy Weight Loss is Not

In addition, it’s important to remember that weight loss is not just about the numbers on the scale. True health and well-being involve a balance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. That means it is critical that we focus on overall health, rather than just weight loss. That is why we would instead encourage you to set realistic goals that include not just weight loss, but also improved overall health, increased energy, and improved self-esteem.

Help Is Good, When It Comes From The Right Source

The right source, when it comes to our health, is trained medical professionals. At Olivera Weight Loss, we understand that weight loss can be a difficult and challenging process. However, with the right mindset and a few simple strategies, you can safely and easily achieve your health and weight loss goals.  Even after more than 40 years of serving our community, our team is still passionate about helping our patients live the healthier lifestyle they dream of and remain dedicated to providing you with the care, hope, and support you need to succeed. When you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you, contact us to schedule a consultation.


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