90 Day Phentermine from Olivera Weight Loss

90 Day Phentermine from Olivera Weight Loss

If you are one of the many Americans battling obesity and striving to achieve a healthier weight, you know that there are no easy fixes or quick solutions. Weight loss is a journey that requires commitment, dedication, and perseverance.

To assist with that journey, Olivera Weight Loss offers Chicago area patients the medically proven weight loss aid Phentermine. The most widely used anti-obesity drug in the U.S., Phentermine works by suppressing appetite and reducing hunger cravings. Used as part of a comprehensive doctor-approved program of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes, Phentermine can help speed up your weight loss. What’s more, by stimulating production of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, it can improve your mood at the same time.

Of course, we realize it’s not always easy or practical to stop by our office every four weeks for a Phentermine refill – especially now that summer is upon us, and busy schedules become even more crammed with activity. That’s why Olivera is now offering medically qualified returning patients a 90-day supply of Phentermine for just $250. We, also, offer telephone support from our medical staff while you’re away from the office.

As an added value, this offer also includes three injections of Vitamin B12, a crucial supplement that can help fight fatigue, boost metabolism and raise your energy levels.

If you’re interested, contact Olivera Weight Loss today to make your appointment. Just be aware of the eligibility requirements. To qualify:

  • You must be between 18-65 years old, with a BMI greater than 27
  • You must be approved by a doctor or nurse practitioner, and meet all Phentermine guidelines
  • You must be showing progress in our doctor-approved weight loss program
  • You must be up to date with all required labs, and have at least two stable blood pressure readings

Finally, please note that this special offer is for returning patients only; new patients are ineligible to receive the 90-day supply of Phentermine at their initial visit. If you are a new patient interested in medical weight loss solutions, we encourage you to review our guide to preparing for your first visit.

Let Olivera Weight Loss help you on your journey to a healthier weight. Make an appointment today by booking online or calling us at (773) 327-6624. And, for the latest in news and special offers from Olivera, subscribe to our email newsletter.

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