Olivera’s Healthy Strategy Guide to the Holiday Season

Olivera’s Healthy Strategy Guide to the Holiday Season

Enjoying the holidays and staying healthy are goals that can work together. While often holiday celebrations mean putting your goals on hold or sticking to your goals but feeling deprived, with a few shifts in habit you can enjoy the holidays like never before – and look great doing it! Let’s explore some ways that your holiday mindset can get the best of both worlds:

Add in Sensory Indulgences
So much of celebrating the holidays is about feasting in mind, body, and soul. By focusing on nurturing your senses with more than food, your mind and soul will be nourished like never before, without overloading your body. Snuggle into soft warm blankets or socks, make time to sit by a crackling fire (even a virtual one will do), and enjoy the twinkling holiday lights.

Choose Your Treats
Feeling deprived during a holiday is brutal, unnecessary, and likely to lead to overeating and regret. Instead, think about the three treats you are most looking forward to, promise yourself that you’ll have them, and keep that promise. When you have something you are looking forward to eating later, suddenly those casual temptations don’t seem so interesting.

Drink Wisely
For many people, alcohol is a part of holiday cheer. The key here is to enjoy without overindulging, so plan wisely. Hydrate first, never drink on an empty stomach, limit your intake, and sip slowly. This ensures you get some holiday cheer and savor those special moments without losing your self-awareness.

Liven Things Up!
One of the best ways to enjoy the holidays and stay healthy is to find ways to celebrate that get you moving. Turn up your favorite holiday tunes and dance, have a festive family game of tag, or take a stroll and look at the neighborhood decorations – maybe even go caroling, which is a great way to share the season while staying socially distant. Get moving and feel truly alive with the magic of the season!

Team Up with Olivera Weight Loss
Our medically-proven Medical Weight Loss and Medical Weight Loss Telehealth programs will help you achieve your goals without feeling deprived. Our program combines medical treatment with counseling and meal planning resources that help you create lasting changes in your relationship with eating and your body. New this holiday season, take advantage of our Telehealth 3-Pack to get the support you need on your schedule at a phenomenal price. Let us help you today!

At Olivera Weight Loss, we believe that enjoying the season and staying healthy are goals that can and should go together. Let us show you how! We are here to help you achieve your goals with confidence, and rediscover the joy of living a healthy lifestyle. Happy Holidays!

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