10 Tips to Indulge in the Holidays Without Gaining Weight

10 Tips to Indulge in the Holidays Without Gaining Weight



It’s commonly reported that the average American gains 5-10 lbs over the holidays, but after reviewing multiple sources and studies, the average weight gain is most likely closer to 1-2 lbs.  That being said, most of us don’t want to gain ANY weight!  Follow these tips to help you prevent unwanted holiday weight gain!



10 Tips to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

1. Limit or adjust your alcohol intake.  It’s okay to enjoy a cocktail at a party, but try to choose lower calorie items.  For a few ideas, check out our blog post on Alcohol and Weight Loss.

2. Eat your calories; don’t drink them.  Enjoy water or a calorie-free beverage with and between meals.  If there are a few holiday favorites, like eggnog, try having half of your typical portion or “cutting” it with some milk.  Be careful of flavored coffee drinks, they can pack as many calories as an entire meal!

3. Make time for exercise.  Going for a walk or hitting the gym more than you usually do can help to compensate for your higher intake of calories during the holiday season.  There’s still time to register for a Turkey Trot!

4. Fill half of your plate with nonstarchy vegetables.  By doing this, you can still enjoy a satisfying volume of food and indulge in your favorites, but you will have a more balanced meal with smaller portions of higher calorie foods.

5. Stop eating when you are full!  Pants buttons are meant to stay buttoned!

6. Try to compensate for your higher intake of calorie-dense foods by focusing on healthy, well-balanced meals in the time leading up to and following the event you are attending.

7.  Portion size is key.  Enjoy the foods you love, but try having a small portion rather than multiple large portions.  Take your time eating and enjoy the foods, rather than rushing through it for seconds.

8. Have a plan and stick with it!  If you don’t have a plan it’s easy to go way overboard and regret it later.  Your plan can be simple or complex, whatever works best for you.

9. Know the landscape.  Scope out the options before filling your plate and focus on taking only the items you really enjoy.  Leave the rest.

10. Remember the reason for the season – it isn’t food.  It’s gratitude.  Be thankful and gracious and remember to focus on your family more than on the food.

Moderation is the theme.  You can enjoy your favorites without sabotaging your weight-loss goals or gaining unwanted pounds, but you have to make a conscious effort to be successful.

For more helpful weight loss tips, check out our Facebook page and the rest of our blog.  If you are looking for an effective weight-loss plan, consider visiting us here at Olivera Weight Loss.  We offer Phentermine (an FDA approved appetite suppressant), customized plans from our Registered Dietitian with our Nutrition Consultations, Lipotropic injections, as well as other services.  Please visit our services page for more information and for pricing.  Still have questions?  Give our office a call at 773-327-5524 or send us a message.

Written by Cassandra Towns, RDN, LDN, CD, CLC

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