Injections: Up To 50% Off!

For the month of June only, we are offering up to 50% off of lipotropic injections and vitamin B12 injections!

Navigating Nutrition Advice

Nutrition advice can come at you from all directions, especially when you tell someone you are trying to lose weight.  The constant, contradicting, unwanted and frequently pushy advice can be both confusing and discouraging.  Here are some tips for navigating nutrition advice!

Healthy Baking Hacks!

Are you trying to lose weight but love baked goods?  Follow these healthy baking hacks and you can enjoy the baked goods you love, but with less sugar, calories and fat!

Inspiration to Exercise

“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.”

Get Paid to Share Your Secrets!

Share your secret to success and tell your friends about Olivera Weight Loss!  We will thank you and your friends by giving you each a TWENTY DOLLAR referral bonus!

Real People, Real Results: JennyLiz

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Healthy Food Delivered to Your Doorstep

Are you looking to lose weight or improve your health?  Do you like Farmers Markets but have a hard time going during the narrow time windows they are offered?  Is picking out produce a pain?  A CSA share can help!

Send us a Document / Message

If we requested that you to send us a document (such as lab results) or if you have a private message to convey, please use the HIPAA-compliant form below to send it to our office safely and securely. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential.