50% Off Single Injections!

Visit us during the month of April and take advantage of up to 50% off of B12 and  lipotropic injections!

Parmesan Balsamic Asparagus

It’s asparagus season and prices on asparagus are low!  Here’s a delicious, restaurant style dish that takes less than ten minutes of prep!

Real People, Real Results: Jacqueline

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Drink This To Burn More Fat!

Have you heard of different mixtures of lemon, cayenne pepper and honey to lose weight?  Well, you probably haven’t heard of this!

Weight Gain From Exercise? Is That Really a “Thing?”

Sometimes people tell us that they started gaining weight when they incorporated exercise into their plans.  There are several factors at play and things to consider, but yes, that can happen.  Here’s why it happens, and how to leverage exercise to help you lose weight, not gain it.

Tender Crock-pot Chicken

Are you looking for an easy way to have a healthy, lean protein ready for a quick meal after work or to pack for lunches?  Try this crock-pot chicken recipe!

Real People, Real Results: Vickie

  Vickie came to Olivera Weight Loss looking for a solution to a problem that had been progressively worsening over time.  Over the course of several years, Vickie gradually gained weight.  She was hoping that Dr. Olivera’s weight loss program was the key to her regaining power over her mind and her body. Each time Vickie […]

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