Weight Loss Tip: Diet Like A Dietitian!

Weight Loss Tip: Diet Like A Dietitian!

Bring on the vegetables!  Vegetables are a huge staple in my diet.  I eat a wide variety of vegetables prepared in different ways to keep from getting tired of the same flavors.  One of my favorites, though, is zucchini sauteed with garlic, onion and a little seasoned salt, with shaved Parmesan sprinkled on right at the end of cooking.  The key is preparing vegetables in delicious ways – you just have to practice!


Avoid added sugars, but nothing is completely off limits.  No, I never drink regular, sugar-sweetened beverages, but I do have dessert in moderation.  This is one of the biggest struggles for me, so I keep a very limited dessert supply in our house and if I bake, I keep only a few servings in the house and I share the rest with others.  This helps prevent me from overdoing it!  Also, by allowing myself to enjoy everything in moderation, my diet is much easier to maintain.  I never feel deprived.


Fiber is fabulous.  I have a high fiber intake by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and focusing on getting the vast majority of my grains in the form of 100% whole grains.  This helps me get a higher nutrient intake and feel fuller for longer as well as maintain a healthier blood sugar.


Don’t eat when you aren’t hungry and stop eating when you’re full.  I listen to my body’s hunger cues.  This is a skill that takes time to develop, but it is an effective strategy to maintain a healthy relationship with food but effectively lose weight.

Calories count and protein matters.  Calorie and protein goals are different for each individual, but being aware of the basics of calories and protein empowers you to be in charge of your weight loss and maintenance.

Cook your own food.  Eat out less, eat in more.  Cook more from scratch.  Cooking at home makes it so much easier to plan ahead and set yourself up for successful weight loss.

Wine rocks, but not for weight loss.  Remember, the more alcohol you drink, the less weight you will likely lose.  Moderation of alcohol intake is imperative to successful weight loss, and your overall health.  Take if from someone who makes their own wine – moderation is key!


You have the power.  Empower yourself by obtaining the best tools for losing weight, and know that you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way.  You have to be ready to make your health a priority in your life but once you do, dedication, determination and commitment can make you unstoppable.


Don’t neglect other weight management strategies outside of your diet.  Exercise.  Then exercise more. Then exercise harder.  Weigh yourself.  Think positively.  Set SMART goals.  Track your progress.  Reward yourself, but not with food.  Engage in self-monitoring.  Find what works for you.  Start with evidence-based recommendations, not fads.


“Motivation doesn’t just strike you.  You have to choose it every day.” – Cassandra Towns, RDN, LDN, CD



If you want to diet like a dietitian, but need a custom approach, individualized goals and strategies, or support and encouragement, please consider scheduling a convenient, telephone Nutrition Consultation with Cassandra, our Registered Dietitian (featured above).  If you are interested in more information about other services offered at Olivera Weight Loss, please visit our Services page.

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